About Us
Beyond the Silence was established by Deborah Ho-Chung, a survivor of Childhood Sexual Abuse, who realised through her experiences, that the education of adults is vital to Child Sexual Abuse prevention.
We believe that CSA is preventable, and that adults have a very important role to play in protecting children from sexual harm. This however, can only happen when adults are informed and alert to the the signs of abuse.
Whether we want to acknowledge it or not, Child Sexual Abuse affects us all. It has no preference for race, creed or socioeconomic status.
The impact of CSA not only has a devastating affect on survivors, but also those close to them, and ultimately the whole community.
CSA is often the root cause of many social and health issues and in some way or another, affects us all. More importantly, it has a huge financial burden on employers and the government.
Research done over the world proves that the power of behaviour change is irrefutable. The changes start with individuals and then transfers to societal improvements.
The idea is that all adults should be informed on methods of prevention and be active in their immediate area of influence.
Our focus groups are:
Adults in families
Adults in communities
Adults working with children
Adults with social and political power as well as employers
​Together, we can keep children safe!

"I want adults to know what I wished they knew when I was being abused" - Deborah

"There can be no keener revelation of a society's soul than the way in which it treats its children." - Nelson Mandela
Our Mission
To shatter the silence and speak out on taboo topics.
To break down barriers of denial and shame.
To facilitate dialogue that offers hope, educates and creates awareness, especially about child abuse.

Our Vision
That all children in our country live a safe, happy life free of trauma caused by violence, sexual abuse and exploitation.